I thought I'd do a post documenting my favourite lipsticks of this moment. In general I lean towards Rimmel when it comes to lipstick; they are affordable, there are many colours, the texture is smooth and they are well pigmented. In particular, I love the Kate Moss shades - I have never been disappointed them.
For me, lipstick is all about colour. I'd sacrifice wear-ability and texture for colour any day. Lipstick can transform an everyday look into something striking and special. If I'm late in the morning and can only stretch to a cat eye, a lipstick is my jam. I can sleep in that extra half hour and still look fierce.
Then there are the lipsticks I want to just add a bit of colour to my lips, but not to compete with my eye shadow. These also tend to be my Summer shades, not that seasons really affect what I wear. The weather has been great recently and I've almost exclusively been wearing dark colours. I'm and Autumn girl at heart.
Height order, of course.
This is Rimmel's Lasting Finnish Lipstick in 128 Starry-Eyed.
This colour is my night out go to. I usually apply it as a stain, patting it on my lips focussing on the centre and blending it out. It's super sexy like this, wears really well and won't cause trauma if you want a sneaky kiss. However, for day time it's great worn at full pigmentation from the bullet.
The colour looks darker in person, but is not too dark. It's a perfect colour if you want to branch into burgundies but don't want something that reminds you of your teenage self (we all had goth phases, right?). The texture is super smooth and applies consistently. It is fairly forgiving to dry lips, it's not gonna have the results of a lip balm, though. The wear-ability is just fine, but it won't last through a meal. However, it will survive many glasses of wine (meaning a bottle to oneself).
Another Rimmel, this is 01 from the Kate Moss Lasting Finish Lipsticks.
This is my perfect red, man. It is a rich, blood red that is the sexiest lipstick I own. If you want a pin up red, this will do you nicely. This lipstick is pure sass for me. Pair this with a cat eye and some false lashes and you are sorted. When I want to bring my A-game, this is the lipstick I pick up.
The texture is a dreamboat and it lasts a good long while, although if you're eating a burger, tops ups will be necessary. The colour is perfect first swipe. It is also fairly forgiving to a dry lip.
My final Rimmel lipstick in this post, another Kate Moss one, it is 101.
This is a lipstick I gravitate towards when I have got a whole lot going on with my eye shadow. It is a matte, but applies easily and smoothly. It's paler than my natural lip colour, so it can give a nice '60s feel to a look. It is not hugely pigmented, this doesn't bother me over much, as my own lips aren't very pigmented. However, if you have naturally red lips, you might want to blank them out with concealer before using this lipstick. This doesn't mean the pigmentation isn't there, it's just a pale colour to begin with.
Now, this doesn't look so good close up. It settles a little in the cracks of your lips. That means this can't be worn if you have cracked lips. I've tried, then looked in the mirror and instantly changed the lipstick. It's a no go. This lipstick is a matte, so it's not hydrating, but it doesn't dry the lips either, it applies smoothly. Despite its limitations, it looks incredibly good with a dark eye, which is why it has a place in my favourites.
This is my other 'complimentary to a heavy eye' lipsticks. It is also my go to Summer colour. If the sun is beating down, this colour is on my lips. It is Revlon Lip Butter in Tutti Frutti.
For a Summer lip colour I want a sheer orange. Period. Orange looks good with my skin when it's slightly more tanned. Now, I bought this because beauty bloggers could not recommend it more, and I completely agree. It applies with ease, utter ease. It is a super low maintenance lipstick, and that is perfect for a sweaty Summer day. It wears off quite nicely, but can do that annoying crusting on the inside of the mouth, which is pretty gross. But because this colour is sheer, you can just rub it away and still have the colour on your lips.
It doesn't apply as evenly as I would like, but the edges can be happily blurred by using a finger to make it look nicer. It is flattering for dry lips and actively hydrates. The staying power is so-so for me, but that's because it is a sheer colour, so I don't pay as much attention to preserving it as I would with a darker colour. But I love it for how low maintenance it is. It is a no fuss lip colour, and a girl needs that sometimes.
This is a recent purchase for me and my first Mac lipstick. It is called Heroine, not the drug.
I have very little to say about this except the colour, yo. It is full on bright purple and I adore it. I've been wanting to branch out with my lip colours and this is totally perfect for it. Because it is a striking colour, there is very little doubt about that, but it is also not green or blue, so it's not completely outrageous. This is a go to for me if I want to look super stylish but haven't had the time to do anything interesting with my eyes. I tend to get compliments on it too, which is always rather lovely.
It's Mac, so it's pricier than I would like, but you do get what you pay for. It's a matte colour, but applies super smoothly and comfortably. The wear is great, but won't be nice on dry lips. Depending on what I'm wearing this colour can be goth-y, but also Summer-y. It's surprisingly versatile and if I'm going out, but not wanting to go on the pull, I wear this shade. It is my fashionista shade.
Now this lipstick is an iffy one for me, the colour stops my heart from how much I love it, but the formula leaves a whole lot to be desired. It is Depth by Topshop. Also, this packaging, though.
This is a deep dark purple, it photographed lighter than it is. It is also less red in person. It is a red toned purple, but is definitively a purple. This is another shade that is all about style for me. It is a lipstick that speaks for itself. It is also very gothic. I have fairly warm colouring and couldn't look like a goth even if I tried, which means the lipstick isn't too much for me. This is very much a Winter lipstick for me, despite being incredibly unforgiving on dry lips. It is a very wet lipstick, which means it slips and slides around when applying, meaning getting a consistent coat is a little hard. I promise it looks better in person, though. Flash does nasty things to this lipstick, apparently.

Up close like this it looks like a hot mess, but looking closely in a mirror does not reveal the imperfections. Again, evil flash. The wear isn't great, but I don't mind reapplying during the day. This lipstick is purely colour for me. I had been looking for a dark wet colour for such a long time and this stumbled and hobbled into my life. It's a pain, but it's fabulous enough for me to look past it. And that's what love is.
Lastly, this is my number one boo. I've had this lipstick for years and it's still my favourite. It is a matte burgundy called Vamp by Sleek.
This is a matte, so the wear is great, but it's hella unforgiving on dry lips. It's worth using a lip scrub for though. It takes about two coats to get it to the colour you want and it's very dry, but once it's there, it is there. Again, it photographed lighter than it is in reality, but not by a huge amount. It, like Starry-Eyed, is not so dark as to be too out there, however, the texture makes it less of a viable choice for those not so comfortable wearing lipstick. This is not a colour I would apply on my friends, but it is still my favourite.
It borders the line between typical lip colours and outlandish ones (Tutti Frutti at one end and Heroine at the other). It is just out there enough to be striking, but not so much as to get funny looks. Which means it is exactly what I want out of a lip colour. This is my Autumn lipstick. As soon as September begins, I crack out this lipstick. Beautiful.